Thursday, April 30, 2009

Pocket Diamante

Another quick little poem to put in your pocket!

Pocket Diamante
filled pocket
must be
by Carolynn J. Scully (2009)

Something Good

Happy Poem in Your Pocket Day! Here is a little poem to enjoy!

Something Good Inside of Me

When something bad happens to me
I want to find the good in me.
I want to say good things to others,
To do good things, love all brothers.
I want to think good thoughts and know
That Jesus Christ will help me grow.
He works to make the bad to be
Something good inside of me.

Carolynn J. Scully
(c) 2007

Monday, April 27, 2009

Whispered Promises

This is one of my favorite poems. Writing it and even reading it now, reminds me that Jesus' sacrifice is available to all men at all times. God is marvelous in His love.

Whispered Promises
(Genesis 3:21)

I hear Him in the garden. I often walk with Him.
I dare not go as I am, clothed only in my sin.
He calls to me and I know, He mourns from deep within.

His light defeats the darkness befriending my great shame.
He questions my nakedness through tears of love and pain.
I cannot look up at Him but foolishly explain.

Now a lamb stands before Him submitting to His will.
Its life will buy my freedom. Creation becomes still.
The lamb upon Gods’ shoulders is carried up the hill.

Kneeling down upon the earth He formed with His own hands,
God embraces innocence, whispers His promised plan.
He groans in offered sacrifice upon the holy land.

Blood spills forth to cover me, a sinner against God.
It stains the pure holy earth where together we had trod.
All creation shudders. I am overcome with sobs.

This is death on my account, lifelessness on display.
Innocence covers my nakedness, "No, Lord! Please don’t!" I pray.
"This judgement and death are mine! Why must it be this way?"

Then He whispers a promise, holds me in love’s embrace.
Sends me outside the garden and turns away His face.
My sin has caused this parting but He promises His grace.

"I will come," He tells me. "Wait for the righteous seed.
I will be the Holy Lamb. I am the victory!
I will bring you safely home. In Me you can believe."

By Carolynn J. Scully

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Sun Queen

Here in Florida the weather is starting to heat up! It is in the 80s pretty steadily now and it will be creeping upwards into the 90s soon. Here is a poem I wrote about the sun and the different way it affects me. Hope you are having a nice spring!

Sun Queen

I like it best
when the sun does not blaze across the sky
crowding out the deepness of the blue and
beating down on the helpless earth
like a tyrant commanding attention and invading the universe;
or when its heat weighs heavy on my shoulders,
stifles my breath,
closes my eyes and
pushes me to lie down and sleep;
But when the sky is wide and free and
I feel as if I could rise up and fly,
soaring and playing in the air;
or when the sun reigns with mercy,
allowing the sky to compliment her beauty and
permit the white puffy clouds to dance in her presence and
a soft cool breeze is allowed to brush the earth
with blessing as it sings a soft melody
to refresh and uplift the heart,
I like it best.

Carolynn J Scully
© 2009

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Poem in Your Pocket

In honor of National Poetry Month I offer you a poem to put in your pocket. I hope you enjoy reading it and sharing it with others as you go about your day!

I Could

I could write a book
Or sing a happy song.
I could paint a picture
Or laugh the whole day long.

I could climb a tree
Or run a long long race.
I could dance a while
Or simply walk in place.

I could do most anything
I have a mind to do.
I would be so happy
To do it all with you!

Carolynn J. Scully

Thursday, April 16, 2009

I Humbly Bow to Thee

I Humbly Bow to Thee
by Carolynn J. Scully
(c) 1987
I may see myself as creative;
But Your created world I see,
And I must humbly bow to Thee.
I may see myself as able;
But Your power is awesome to me,
And I must humbly bow to Thee.
I may see myself as righteous;
But it is Your holiness in me,
And I must humbly bow to Thee.
I may see myself as merciful,
But I knowYour grace and see
That I must humbly bow to Thee.
I may see myself as loving;
But You gave Your Son to die for me,
And so I humbly bow to Thee
I may see myself as forgiving;
But Your cross and shed blood I see,
And I must humbly bow to Thee
I may see myself as steadfast;
But You're ever so faithful to me,
And I must humbly bow to thee
I humbly bow to Thee.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


This poem is my latest. I have written it for the 40th class reunion of the 1969 Class of Pueblo County High School. Go Hornets!


The years have lain
like a barren plain between us.
Though our singular lives
have walked through wonderful changes
and sometimes frightening challenges,
we have not kept company
with friends long ago invited
into our dreams,
heartaches, and
Yet, in that desert
our memories, like tumbleweeds,
have rolled through our minds,
beckoning us with curious wonderings
of who we became,
what we have done,
where we have traveled.
In those brief recollections
we remembered the
beginning of our journeys
and have looked forward
to this celebratory return.
Today is our long awaited future.
Today our present becomes our new commencement:
a time to enjoy past remembrances
and embrace the memories of this reunion
for future exchanges.
Today we return to the place
we hold in each others’ lives.

Carolynn J. Scully
© 2009